M.L. McClelland Lodge

M.L. McClelland Lodge #357, Free and Accepted Masons of Indiana.

Hobart Indiana Masonic Lodge

A Fraternal Organization for the betterment of mankind.

Stated Meeting first Thursday of the Month @ 7p.m.
Called Meetings Thursdays, 7p.m.

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Nothing from January 24, 2025 to February 24, 2025.

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Honorable Marquis Lemarque McClelland

Born on February 26, 1830, in Lafayette, Indiana, to John and Sarah (McCarl) McClelland. Within a year, the family relocated to Saint Joseph County where John helped found the city of South Bend. John served as treasurer of Saint Joseph County but died in 1840, leaving his widow and children destitute.

Rather than training for a professional career as his father had envisioned, Marquis became an apprentice for five years as a tanner and courier and was a journeyman for two years in that trade.

M. L. McClelland (as he was always known as an adult) resettled in Valparaiso in 1854 after his marriage to Sarah Wilmington and entered the dry goods business. During the early years of the Civil War, he served in Washington, D.C., as private secretary to Schuyler Colfax, an ardent abolitionist, who later became Speaker of the House and Vice President. Made a Mason in 1857, M. L. McClelland was Worshipful Master of Porter Lodge 137 in 1864, 1865, 1869 and 1870.

He was also a founding member and a Past Eminent Commander of Valparaiso Commandery 28. He was so well respected in Porter County and in the Masonic community that our lodge was named for him by its founding members and he became our first honorary member in 1866.

Following his return from Washington, M. L. McClelland was a founder of the First National Bank in Valparaiso and was its chief officer for several decades. He served on the town council, held numerous other positions in the community and was elected to the Indiana House of Representatives in 1882 and again in 1884.

After a long and successful life, M. L. McClelland passed away on March 6, 1912, and was buried in full a Masonic Service by Porter Lodge No. 137.

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M. L. McClelland #357
P.O. Box 151
Hobart, IN 46342-4427